Motor mounted

After much thinking and aligning I got it within .002, clamped the blocks and mounts so they couldn’t move and started drilling. Tomorrow I’ll unbolt the rear mounts from the engine so I can swing them out of the way and drill the rear holes.

2 Replies to “Motor mounted”

  1. Hi Marcus,
    thank you for sharing this project. I find it very inspiring to read what you are doing there.
    I own a Marieholm 261 myself and facing some refurbishing projects as well 😊
    Currently I think about replacing the old Volvo Penta 2001 with a Volvo Penta 2010.
    The good thing about this is, that towards the shaft everything stays the same, only the mount direction towards the cabin goes a little further to the front.
    I hope you can answer me a question about this. It seems that there is a steel plate laminaded inside the motor socket, . Maybe the same in your case. I have seen that you opened the socket. Maybe you can tell me how far this steel plate goes to the front. Checking with a magnet it seems to go all through. If this is correct, I hope it can be done by only drilling additional holes and cut threads into the steel.
    Many greetings from Lower Franconia, Germany

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