Lots done today!

First, I added a step to the bow pulpit.  I hadn’t planned on it initially but a friend of mine, Ingmar, said it was the best place to watch dolphins from.  I think it’s probably also the best place to fall off and get run over by your own boat from.

Second I added the vent for the composting head.  I had gone around and around thinking about this.  Thought about venting it inside through a charcoal canister but the Airhead guy said it would put tons of moisture into the boat.  Thought about venting it into the chain locker, but the way mine is built it’ll fill with water if you’re taking green water over the bow, and I didn’t want that running down into the head.  I found this ventilator online called AirOnly and it has these floating valves inside.  Reviews are good so I’m giving it a shot.

I had purchased some swanky Harken deck organizers from Alex but my cabin top isn’t wide enough to get the right angle out of them so I just went with Harken big bullet blocks.

Finally, I installed the instrument display and compass.  I also flipped the rope clutches around as I had initially installed them backward.  When you’re a beautiful Finn sailor you don’t need to be smart.  (That’s not a crack in the screen, it’s a reflection of the edge of the cockpit).

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