Last Saturday it was nice out, unlike the last 6 weeks so I was able to get outside and get stuff done. First order of business is replacing the cockpit drain through hulls. This is a space tucked way up in the stern counter and difficult to fit into. I found that the hoses for the drains were clamped to the old, original, broken off hoses. Previous Owner is always a moron. The number of WTF coming out of my mouth per minute was pretty high on this one. Luckily I was able to peel them off amid all the 5200 they’d been glued up with.

Above you see the setup and below after removing the hose. I understand why this might have happened, with the engine in place this is nearly inaccessible. Still, terrible.1

I also changed the fuel filter. In the pic below you see it as I received it. The hose barb points to the tank. Anyone else see the problem?

Here is a video of the engine happily pok pok poking away.
I also put the new cutless bearing in. I tapped the set screw holes in the sides. The old cutless bearing was held in with 5200 (WTF, PO???) and so I cleaned all that out, heavily waxed the bearing and filled the extra space with epoxy. The shaft in the pic is getting replaced, it has some bad pitting, but I shimmed it into the center of the interior opening where the stuffing box goes so the cutless bearing would be lined up properly.

A continuation of the replacement of the cockpit drain through hulls. I’ve epoxied backing plates in and drilled holes but it got too cold for all the sikaflex and stuff. I’m waiting for another day for that. I’ve also cut holes for 5″ inspection ports in the cockpit lockers for easy access to the valves.

I also took this opportunity move the sink drain since where it was took my entire arm to the armpit to reach with the cabinets installed. Where it is now is much more accessible. More holes to fill, but a safer boat all around.